Ke 14.6. klo 16:15-18 mysore
19.6. Yin klo 15:15-16:30
Ilmoittele jos haluat tulla. Pienryhmäkoko.
Ovet auki 15 min ennen tunnin alkua
Kertakamsu 13 €
Ma 19.6. viimeiset viikkotunnit ja sitten kesätaukoa.
Heinäkuussa on joitain tunteja, mutta laitan niistä sitten erikseen.
Ihanaa kesää 💗
"Being happy with what you can do, regardless of loosing your balance and falling or being able to bind in particular asana (posture), because ashtanga yoga has nothing to do with that. It's all about how much intention you bring into your practice, how much acceptance, presence and love you bring into it. And these are some of the basic things we need to have in life to be able to live a meaningful life." -Luiz Veiga
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