
Happy New Year

New year's resolution ✨💫
Have you made some
In the past
And did they work?

If you like a resolution
Maybe see what it gives to you
"The end result"
And affirm that
"I choose .. "
"I am willing to do.. " (the actions that you are willing to take)

Affirm daily!
"I choose... " (things that it brings to you)
and in the moments of slipping,
consciously allow yourself to choose something else (for that occasion)
it might even be that the different actions may also be aligned with the affirmation..


What are you after?
Affirm what it gives to you (internally states maybe..)
"I choose.. "


What kind of actions are you willing to take for your affirmation?
This to come more alive

Plan how to continue with the actions (or non actions)
Are they daily actions, weekly?

Check in daily or few times a week,
where you succeeded, your wins

And if it's not that easy..
Some obstacles may be there,
Key is
becoming friends with..

And notice
What you are affirming
It might be an end result, destination
But it is also available now
This internal state
Step by step
It may also grow
into blossom
Into something
more visible
than "just an inner state"

Happy new year 🎉 ✨💖💝
May you connect deeply to something that has meaning for you and let it move you, inspire you, motivate 🙏