
Being and doing

Many meditation traditions cultivate much about the beingness, presence.

Some other "traditions", the doing.

In psychosynthesis (Transpersonal psychology) it is not about either or. It is about both AND.
This boath and is about synthesis. Bringing both in the picture and then something magical is there. We stay aligned, we are connected to life. It gives meaning, purpose, shows our values.

The beingness, presence from where you know and are called to the doing; also called "the call of self".
Sometimes the "healthy" action side needs to be freed. Unhealthy action side could be related for instance to doings out of false/limited believes, patterns, out-dated ideas of ourselves and others, assumptions, fears.. and the healthy action would be connected to your pure choise to choose that serves your heart (*and the bigger heart), or soul (however you like to call the depth of you). So to free it is to see what is blocking you, or even stopping you.
Some have already a lot of will/action/doing, just check if any unhealthy behaviour around and
see if you can bring presence, your soul in.

And the AND is the synthesis of the being and doing, the magic, qualities of experience ✨

So the meaning is not the form (job title, status, hobby) the meaning lies in the qualities experienced.

Once you find your meaningful qualities for now, freeing your choise for these qualities, acknowledging your "shadow and light"; the forms might sift or you get to engage more to the already existing ones.

In instagram: Few post back, November 4th, "Qualities to reclaim" (might still be some valid ones now as adult) and on post March 23rd you can find list of some qualities that might also call now. On psychosynthesis stories more to discover.

So, the being and doing:
The observer and the director
Awareness and will
Love and power
Yin and Yang

*bigger heart, the whole or the whole of a system. System referred to a healty system that forms synthesis; like partnership, family, company.. healthy system here refered to a system that is life giving. This another topic on it's own 💞

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