

This is the second step in the Act of Will journey. You can join in at any time. I’ll will offer one tool per all the stages.
If you decide to join, you need to start from step 1 (Purpose) and give it time to land before this step. It would also be helpful to read the “Act of Will Process”. You can find all the material related to this journey by
scrolling down some posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.



This is the practice for the stage deliberation:

Use all your psychological functions to deliberate what this word/sentence of yours could physically look like (a form). And come up with many options. Go big, there is no place for now to evaluate what is possible or not. Take notes on one or more options/forms within all of the psychological functions.

Psychological functions

Thinking - What can you think that your word / sentence could physically look like (a form).

Desire / Impulse - What do you desire to do? Is your impulse different?

Sensations - What would your body like to do?

Feelings - What does your feelings tell you to do?

Imagination - What can you imagine that you could do (anything!)

Intuition - What does your intuition inform you


Take the next week/weeks time for this.

Deliberation is important to cultivate conscious reflection before action rather than reactively starting to do something.

The next step: CHOICE will be posted in a few weeks.

Enjoy and come up with many different options 💫


Key here is that you come up with physical forms of how this word / sentence of yours could look like. Without analysing, evaluation. You might also pay attention to some of the sub-personalities that might have their say in your deliberation. What I mean by it is that all of us have these parts in us and if you for example have a strong lets say judgemental part who is interfering with your deliberation (not being your ally) it could become an enemy in your journey. In these cases sub-personality work might be needed.
Starting with recognising that you have this kind of part in yourself (which has most likely worked well in past to keep you safe and/or to be seen and might still be working or over working) and coming into acceptance (with a help of a coach or therapist) of this part that further integration can start to happen.

On a group workshops or one one one sessions we would / could look deeper into psychological functions as some of them might be overpowering, some sleepy or inactive. The most dominant function is usually the one that has worked well in our family of origin (to be seen). However in Psychosynthesis we see that our Awareness & Will acts through all of these functions and can actually deliver more options/choices. So developing and harmonising these functions can make us freer in that sense.

We would also look into subs (sub-personalities), L.O.A.F.ings (limiting ideas, outdated beliefs, assumptions, fears) and into our family-, culture-, religion of origin. All of these may affect our deliberation and our choosing (the next stage in the Act of Will). And as we bring some of these into light; we have more choices visible / greater range of choice. We would also look at the different qualities of the Will. Could use different exercises such as how to carry prepersonal (past that affects now) in our daily lives, guided meditations, how to connect to inspiration and different tools how to deliberate..

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