
Purpose - Stage one on the Act of Will Process

Join me on Act of Will Journey (Psychosynthesis coaching) with 6 stages.

If you like to read more about this journey. You can go and read the post “Act of Will Process”.
You can scroll down some post to find it or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.

Purpose, this is the step one. This is the seed we will plant to take us through all the stages.
In this step we will select an internal experience or a quality we would like to invite more into our life.

🌱 This is the practice for the stage of Purpose:

Imagine yourself waking into a completely full day of freedom to do whatever you like.

You might wake up in your bed or somewhere else.

What is it that you would like to do this day, to experience?

Take you time to imagine.

Note; for all it is not easy to visualise and imagine, but then you might like to think, feel or write down what you would like to do on your day off.

Fully immerse in this opportunity to do whatever.

Take your time

And when you are ready, see what is the internal experience or a quality you are after. Pick one to make this 6 stage process easier for you to actually take it through. Write the word or a sentence down for yourself + other insights / reflections if you wish.

If you need help with what could be a quality, you can see the post “Purpose Calling”.
You can scroll down some post to find it or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.

For the coming days and weeks before the next step; be aware of this word or a sentence. You might like to place it somewhere visible that you at least once a day are reminded by it.

The next step: deliberation will be posted in a few weeks.

Enjoy 🌱

Key here is that this experience/quality starts to come into daily living (not just on your free days). But this will follow in the coming steps. Now it is time to plant it and water it by seeing it / remembering it.

As an example: If your free day activity was to skydive, the internal experience / quality could be about freedom or energy or courage..

And if you have any questions, please let me know.
On a group workshops or one one one session we could look deeper into drives, inspiration, motives, values, how you know you are connected to a purpose, personal notebook reflections, blockages, conscious motivations and will vs. wants and needs by personality traits, dis-identification / self identification to come into responsiveness rather than reactiveness.

Addition: if you find many qualities that resonate and have difficulty to choose, maybe you could consider if under one quality some other ones fits under or you choose a sentence (internal experience) which could represent these qualities for you. For example: “Deep connection to inner Self” that could represent for example peace, calm, presence, energy.. for you. In the next steps the purpose sentence may sift into one or fewer words, so in this journey it may envolve. And for the process I highly recommend for you to write the sentence or word/words down for you to see it daily, so you are reminded of it. This also helps the next step.

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