
What is Will?

In psychosynthesis will is described to be strong, skilful, good, loving, joyful, transpersonal, universal..

What does that actually mean?

It means that we have a driving force within us that is connected to a deep self/Self that is free to choose. It is a will that is aligned and works with awareness. It is a will that has many of these qualities (strong, skilful, good, loving, joyful, transpersonal).. if not all in action.. It is not only for example strong, if it is only one, it might be a part of you in action, a sub personality who likes to take a certain action. It most likely is connected to a want and not to a deeper need or meaning. This kind of will could run you down, others too.

Aligned will is pure, could have a quality of honesty too, inherently it is also good for the whole (not just you as a separate one).

True meaning and purpose helps to connect to the Will.

Join me for an Act of Will Process here or in Instagram. You can read the post “ the Act of Will Process” to know what will be ahead. You can scroll down one post to find it or
you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.


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