



This is the third step (six in total) in the Act of Will journey. You can join in at any time. I will offer one tool per all the stages.
If you decide to join, you need to start from step 1 (Purpose) and give it time to land before the step 2 (Deliberation). It would also be helpful to read the “Act of Will Process”.
You can find all the material related to this journey by scrolling down some posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”. So start with the post “Act of Will Process”, then "Purpose", "Deliberation" and "Choice". Additions are; "What is Will" and "Purpose Calling".


Carl Jung has said that we can find God through the non dominant function. So if you discovered on the previous step, what was your most non-dominant or sleepy or non active psychological function, then it might be interesting to look at what it revealed in your deliberation.

It is time to center which ever way works for you. For some of you it might be a moment of stillness for some it could be through conscious movement..
and remind yourself of the purpose that you created on step one.


Go through the list of options that you created on the previous step.
Which ones really calls you?
Come into two or three options.
It might be that some of the options from your list still forms a new option or combined one. That’s ok. Write it down. And consider if any new option is in your top 2 or 3.

The options that you choose should be possible to reach (options are realistic) within a certain timeframe (timeframe that you yourself will set to yourself later). And if you have so called unrealistic options too on your list, those are also valid, as they might be revealing your inspirations, interests, values, needs..

Then take one of the options and go through all the psychological functions. What do they inform you about this option. Are they all aligned with your option?

Thinking - What kind of thoughts does this option rase in you?
Desire / Impulse - Do you like/desire this option?
Sensations - What does your body sense/inform you when you think or imagine this option?
Feelings - What kind feelings does this option raise in you?
Imagination - What kind of image you get from this option? Do you like it?
Intuition - What does your intuition inform you about this option?

You might consider if the option is anymore an option, if many function do not support your choice..
Look at the other option(s) this way too.

By now, you might already be closer to choosing..

At this point you are still deliberating. With your psychological functions, with your deeper knowing.
Also, be aware that whatever you choose, you choose and it also means that the other option(s) are not chosen (at least for now). This also can rase thoughts, feelings, sensations about it..

Whenever you are ready with 2 or 3 options, I have recorded a guided meditation for choosing and step into the chosen path. Sent me a mail at kristiina.peltoniemi@gmail.com with topic Choice or Choice meditation and I’ll direct you to the meditation. Even if your choice is already clear, the meditation may deepen your choice, give an embodied reminder for later of your choice if you would start to be in doubt and also aid to let go of the other options.

after.. make sure that the choice is in allignement with your purpose or you might slightly change your purpose if that resonates with you on a deeper level than the original one.

Write your choice down: “I choose to … “


On a group workshops or one one one sessions we would / could look deeper into choosing process, how you choose, what is connected to choosing and why you might not choose. Go deeper into psychological functions, motivations, sub-personalities, LOAFing; (Limiting Ideas, Old and Out-dated Beliefs, Assumptions, Fears), Aspects of the Will and connection to s/Self.

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