
Hey 👋

Hey 👋 How are you guys doing?

Here we are earthing, if that is a word. Love to be outdoors. In nature. Our daughter is growing so much in days.. What a beautiful being to witness 💓
I've been much tuned with natural processes.. and honestly did not think that I would have been a full time mom for this long however there has been a bit more space for work and it has much meaning to me. To share and guide ✨🙏💝
Wish to be more in touch with you in the coming fall.

We @livingconsciouslife are also teaching other psychosynthesis coach trainees next fall but I'm also drawn to have an open online group for "meeting self". Bit strange name for now but if you are ready and interested in a steady group that meets weekly or monthly for a short period of time (to see if you like it). In any case it will be in line with different tools from meditation traditions, psychosynthesis, yoga and somatic approach. Depending on the group.

Over a year ago we @livingconsciouslife were invited to facilitator training from psychosynthesis (it’s psychology and spiritual traditions combined for integration that works around personality and realisation of true Self) and that finished a few months ago.
What psychosynthesis also very nicely points out is how the inherited value is in the deeper qualities and not in a form itself. Forms will alter if you allow and if they don’t serve anymore.

There is so much to share and I have always loved how for example Krishnamacharya taught. I’ve been practicing with his student Pattabhi Jois, who was teaching ashtanga yoga.. anyhow Krishnamacharya taught many students and these student further (Iyengar, Desikachar..) and they were different forms, Krishnamacharya taught individually, what was the need of the person, the form changed according to the student.

There is a Buddhist saying of this too.. about using a draft in the water but you don’t drag the draft into the woods with you.. well, maybe you could but that’s quite some work i would think.

I wish you are doing well and if you would like to start / restart a journey with me and a group then you can let me know. You can also let me know how you are in your life, that would be nice 🙂

Summery wishes


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