
Unconscious to Conscious


In Psychosynthesis (PS) we see that there is conscious material, things we are aware of + there is all the unconscious (UC) that is not in our immediate reach, could be close by or further away. In PS they are divided into middle UC (close by), lower UC and higher UC.

Lower can also be described as our basement or even past and higher to our attic with qualities and potential.
What I find interesting in the light of expanding awareness, whether it is through yoga, meditation traditions, psychosynthesis or other conscious means, when we expand the awareness that the space of our consciousness expands we normally expand into both directions if we touch the higher or lower UC.

PS suggests that the lower UC is formed because we do not want to keep some things in our consciousness. They could be uncomfortable feelings, experiences that we do not like to be reminded of or just simply do not want to feel them. When this happens we also create higher UC which means that we also separate positive aspects such as love, joy, creativity, trust, connection to Divine… that were threatened by our wounding that we store in the lower UC and this is how the higher UC also gets to be formed.

So what it means is that any time we work with the higher UC or lower UC we also might reveal what is on the other end. We expand the conscious space. And the space enlarges if we welcome all that in. Not that we necessarily need to go all the way to all stories of the UC but atleast have space for the emotions that may show up. Recognise, feel and hopefully eventually accept the feelings. This can lead to integration which means that the expansion brings life more available, we have a grater reality than before, we have more choices and see other possible ways of being, we might be able to hold more easily a variety of experiences with their glory and shadows. Life in this sense can become richer and experiencing vitality and aliveness becomes easier.

And for those who are in the Act of Will Journey (you can still start and find all the material here 
by scrolling down posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”), as we started the journey with calling in an experience that most likely is in the higher UC, it can be normal to become aware of material that may have helped to suppress it.

Sidenote: I love how my teacher Didi always emphasizes that there is no need to dig the basement if the material do not affect our daily life. Maybe good to know..

From psychosynthesis coaching perspective, especially from the self-development point of view, what is it then to "do" if the enlarging consiousness interests? You can start by asking: What is calling you, what would you like more in your life? Or if you are more of a person to say at the moment what is not working, then see what is it that you need (internal need).
You might like to dive in to this with the "Purpose" post which is the first step in the Act of Will Journey which in larger sence expands our consciousness.

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