What does it mean?
Example; today's nature,
important for me were beauty, serenity. I breath fully, absorb. I'm
present and there is a call to walk different paths, making choices from
centered place (not only for example from thinking which is one of the
*psychological functions we use).
I feel connection 💚🌲🏞✨
Beauty, serenity, I breath fully (can be ease, inclusiveness, vitality as quality for me).
There is also presence and will (action).. connection too.
in your life, these found qualities for example in things that you
really enjoy, see how important these qualities are in your life and
which ones are most valid for now. Surely some others will be there
Referring to this nature example:
Not being depended on going to nature, can I bring these meanigful qualities into how I think, what I do and say.
this is not possible, there most likely is an obstacle to meet. Even
when still consicously choosing the quality and the new way keeps on
having difficulties for a longer period of time (there can be trying,
pushing, confusion, emotions / more imbalance than before).. Obstacle(s)
is (are) then part of personality (lower unconscious/past or/and middle
unconscious/presence) developement and
integration in
Psychosynthesis as the qualities are part of the transpersonal part of
the Psychosynthesis; about our soul, calling, meanings, values, purpose,
In this example of nature;
surely the outer
supports but see what happens in your life when you start slowly living
the qualities from inside out 💝 Starting maybe only with one and enjoy
the growth and expansion into wholeness.
"Your soul has spoken
Answer the call
Love has awoken
It's here from our soul
Let the light wash over
The waters fall
And when you hear the music
Answer the call"
~ Answer the call 🎵🎶 Equanimous, Activation, Davana
Some qualities on my Instagram post from January 2022.
*Psychological functions in Psychosynthesis; thinking, senses, feelings, imagination, intuition and impulse/desire.
Psychosynthesis Coaching and training ✧ MEDITATION ✧ BREATH ✧ YOGA tools, & SOMATIC Trager® approach ✧ for individuals and groups Online & Vaasa Finland, Netherlands
Answer the call of qualities ✨
Hello and the latest posts in Instagram
If you are dropping by here, I wish that you are doing well.
I'm much enjoying the spring light and nature slowly waking up to life.
months till finishing the Psychosynthesis Life Coach / BBC (Board
Certified Coach) training. Although it will be on paper finished, it did
invite to a deep rich journey of a lifetime. And ongoing continuous study
with teachers with many decades in the field.
What I can shortly say
about psychosynthesis is that it is a very beautiful journey to the core
of our being (like yoga and meditation traditions can also be), however
it adds an aspect of the psychology, personality integration (our todays personality traits
are formed by our past) and a conscious way to direct living to deep
meaningful, purposeful and valuable life that is uniquely our own.
If you are interested in this kind of process, then maybe we get to work together somewhere in future.
that is about being curious, being willing to look at things that you have chosen to look at as they
are (honestly), being willing to take action for yourself and discovering deep meaningful qualities to live by.. this
all brings wholeness and connection and capacity to live life even more
fully. It can be an eye-opening journey, full of discoveries and maybe
even profound changes internally and externally too.
Let's see in what kind of forms I'll be offering on this in the future.
So this is at least something that is starting to grow and come to the world in my life 🌱🌿🌸
The form I wish to offer for you now, is:
How about you? What have you been planting or what would you like to plant?
And when looking at this in the light of Psychosynthesis, the things you are planting, into your life:
Are or can they be connected to something that really calls you, what you enjoy or even love?
What is the next step you are willing and able to take into the growth?
can also look at the obstacles, you can look at the things you need,
but keep the seed most important, the seed of the calling, the qualities
that are meaningful for you. Some qualities to live by you can find
here on my Instagram post from January 2022.
do not need to yet know what kind of form(s) it will bring into life.
Just taking tiny step, quality or qualities that you are called upon and what
ways can you start living with them, in your internal world, towards
yourself and toward the outer life in actions and with beings around.
Another form available for now for few;
spot for one on one online meetings to guide you deeply with the tools
of Psychosynthesis that include from my side to you; questions /
listening, aid for you to come to your insights about your purpose,
matters of meaning and valuable goals and also about the variety of
options, blocks and challenges, guidance can include guided meditations
for deeper understanding, for you to come to your next steps, also
"home work" to support the journey.
Called toward a fulfilling, rich life?
Connect with me 💌 and we can see if this would be a suitable way for you.
to a sessions: You might be curious what Psychosynthesis can offer to
you, you might have a certain direction in mind and need assistance and
deepening with it. We can map what is most meaningful to look at at this
moment of your life to proceed the journey of the Soul. Life that is
connected to presence and meaningful actions / awareness and will / Love and power.
Coming to bloom
Slowly warming
Underneath the sun
Opening to the outer world
To the warmth
You can find latest post on Instagram.