New year's resolution ✨๐ซ
Have you made some
In the past
And did they work?
If you like a resolution
Maybe see what it gives to you
"The end result"
And affirm that
"I choose .. "
"I am willing to do.. " (the actions that you are willing to take)
Affirm daily!
"I choose... " (things that it brings to you)
and in the moments of slipping,
consciously allow yourself to choose something else (for that occasion)
it might even be that the different actions may also be aligned with the affirmation..
What are you after?
Affirm what it gives to you (internally states maybe..)
"I choose.. "
What kind of actions are you willing to take for your affirmation?
This to come more alive
Plan how to continue with the actions (or non actions)
Are they daily actions, weekly?
Check in daily or few times a week,
where you succeeded, your wins
And if it's not that easy..
Some obstacles may be there,
Key is
becoming friends with..
And notice
What you are affirming
It might be an end result, destination
But it is also available now
This internal state
Step by step
It may also grow
into blossom
Into something
more visible
than "just an inner state"
Happy new year ๐ ✨๐๐
May you connect deeply to something that has meaning for you and let it move you, inspire you, motivate ๐
Psychosynthesis Coaching and training ✧ MEDITATION ✧ BREATH ✧ YOGA tools, & SOMATIC Trager® approach ✧ for individuals and groups Online & Vaasa Finland, Netherlands
Happy New Year
Welcome to Souls on Earth Workshop Webinar
Souls on Earth": Everyday life through the lens of psychosynthesis
‘We have to learn to live as Souls on Earth’
R. Assagioli
Souls on Earth: Everyday life through the lens of psychosynthesis
Sunday, September 22nd at 12:00 pm PDT / 9:00 pm CEST / Helsinki 22:00
Warmly welcome to join us on a two hour workshop webinar.
For us ‘living as Souls on Earth’ means being connected to self and to act from this place too.
In this two hour session we will look at everyday life and will introduce perspectives through psychosynthesis with the objective to live and act in connection with our inner self. For this, we will look at the challenges that may arise and tools for daily life.The essential parts of this session will be about exploration of will, alignment to purpose, choices and consciousness, and how the whole Act of Will process supports us.
Vincent and Kristiina met on a yoga & psychosynthesis retreat on a remote island in Finland 6 years ago. They share a love for Psychosynthesis and both are interested in conscious relationship dynamics, particularly how it mirrors and can support daily living, as well as how to raise a child in consciousness.
We warmly welcome you to join us and explore the inner and outer world that you / we live in.
Kristiina and Vincent
Read more about Kristiina and Vincent:
To register:
๐ฆ๐บ Wishing you a beautiful summer days ๐
Last step of the psychosynthesis journey have been posted ๐ซ
You can join at any time. It is an inner journey to invite something into your life and on the road you might discover potential, obstacles, how to devote into calling and choice and how to bring something through.. ✨✨
In the journey of connection to yourself and to live from that place.
More under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.
Coaching one on one 's and groups online.
Direction of the Execution / Manifestation
Last step in the Act of Will journey of Psychosynthesis. You can join in at any time. I have offered one or more tools per all the stages.
If you decide to join, you need to start from step 1 (Purpose) and give it time to land before step 2 (Deliberation) and so forth. It would also be helpful to read the “Act of Will Process” from my profile. You can find all the material related to this journey by scrolling down posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.
In this final stage there are two parts;
to direct the execution
to put into operation the necessary and appropriate means for reaching the objective
In simple example: You are going on a journey with a car. You have done all that you have now done and you are ready to get the car ready.. fuel, maybe check up etc and you will sit in the driver's seat and start the journey. You will avoid the obstacles and remain your course steady and will make adjustments on a way if necessary but you will still have the clear vision of the destination to be reached.
How do you know you have reached your goal? Or parts of it if it is a bigger goal.
What have you manifested already? As you did your planning and have taken some steps.
Recognise your wins.
CELEBRATE the journey
Look back to the beginning of the journey
You had a purpose
You deliberated
And made a choice out of many options
You created an affirmation
And made a plan
And now you have taken steps towards the goal
Now you are directing and putting into motion all the necessary means for reaching your objective.
small or the goal attained
whichever way feels appropriate for you
small or big way, as it most likely wasn’t just learning how to reach your goal, maybe you learned what is important, valuable, how to center, some obstacles, how you choose, gifts of yours..
and remember;
you are the director, aware, responsible for your journey with will that is powerful, skilful, good, loving.. and PURPOSEFUL.
Wish you had an insightful journey.. in this continuous road. Whatever it brought to you.. Wishing you connection to yourself, presence and will to continue in your unique path ๐
In group workshops or one one one sessions we would / could look deeper into being in the center (aware and willful), conected to meaning/purpose and we would see how all the psychological functions play a role in the direction of the execution; in this continuous journey.
This is the fifth step in the Act of Will journey of Psychosynthesis. You can join in at any time. I will offer one tool per all the stages. If you decide to join, you need to start from step 1 (Purpose) and give it time to land before step 2 (Deliberation) and so forth. It would also be helpful to read the “Act of Will Process” from my profile. You can find all the material related to this journey by scrolling down posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.
R. Assagioli (founder of Psychosynthesis) has emphasised that it is so important to formulate, clearly and precisely, the goal to be reached as he sees that there is a constant tendency in man to pay so excessively attention to the means, even to the point where he/she loses the sight of the goal itself; means are not the ends themselves. This is valid in so many ares, for example if you practice something, lets say yoga asanas (posture), meditation, dance.. and if you see the technique becomes the end, maybe it is good to bring into awareness the actual reason, preferably a quality why you do what you do.. and sure the technique is important in some of the places too, but it is not the deeper purpose itself.. more about the qualities you can read under the “Purpose Calling” post.
The tool(s) for the planning stage:
Remember your purpose;
the quality /qualities it represents or experience the you wished for
The choice you made
Recall the affirmation that you have planted
Take time to vision the goal that you wish to reach
the outcome of the
the experience that you wish in your life
Really see how it could be if it comes fully into your life
Draw or write it on a paper
moving to planning
How is your plan going to look like
Create your plan any way that works for you
And make sure to list the actions you are going to take towards the goal/the manifestation
What are you going to do
next week / weekly
next month
and ask yourself
What is the next step(s) that I’m joyfully and lovingly willing to take within a few days?
“Have a bias toward action - let's see something happen now. You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away.”
- Indira Gandhi
In group workshops or one one one sessions we would / could look deeper into different ways to plan, into resources, challenges, needs and timeframes + guidelines for goal settings and the importance of the purpose qualities in the planning.. that it is about embracing the journey.. all the steps..
Hey ๐
Hey ๐ How are you guys doing?
Here we are earthing, if that is a word. Love to be outdoors. In nature. Our daughter is growing so much in days.. What a beautiful being to witness ๐
I've been much tuned with natural processes.. and honestly did not think that I would have been a full time mom for this long however there has been a bit more space for work and it has much meaning to me. To share and guide ✨๐๐
Wish to be more in touch with you in the coming fall.
We @livingconsciouslife are also teaching other psychosynthesis coach trainees next fall but I'm also drawn to have an open online group for "meeting self". Bit strange name for now but if you are ready and interested in a steady group that meets weekly or monthly for a short period of time (to see if you like it). In any case it will be in line with different tools from meditation traditions, psychosynthesis, yoga and somatic approach. Depending on the group.
Over a year ago we @livingconsciouslife were invited to facilitator training from psychosynthesis (it’s psychology and spiritual traditions combined for integration that works around personality and realisation of true Self) and that finished a few months ago.
What psychosynthesis also very nicely points out is how the inherited value is in the deeper qualities and not in a form itself. Forms will alter if you allow and if they don’t serve anymore.
There is so much to share and I have always loved how for example Krishnamacharya taught. I’ve been practicing with his student Pattabhi Jois, who was teaching ashtanga yoga.. anyhow Krishnamacharya taught many students and these student further (Iyengar, Desikachar..) and they were different forms, Krishnamacharya taught individually, what was the need of the person, the form changed according to the student.
There is a Buddhist saying of this too.. about using a draft in the water but you don’t drag the draft into the woods with you.. well, maybe you could but that’s quite some work i would think.
I wish you are doing well and if you would like to start / restart a journey with me and a group then you can let me know. You can also let me know how you are in your life, that would be nice ๐
Summery wishes
This is the forth step in the Act of Will journey. You can join in at any time. I will offer one tool per all the stages.
If you decide to join, you need to start from step 1 (Purpose) and give it time to land before the step 2 (Deliberation) and so forth. It would also be helpful to read the “Act of Will Process”.
You can find all the material related to this journey by scrolling down posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”. So start with the post “Act of Will Process”, then "Purpose", have a week or 2 pause and move to "Deliberation", have a pause and move to "Choice", pause and then moving to "Affirmation". Additional material; "What is Will" and "Purpose Calling".
Affirmation anchors choosing coming into manifestation. You have made your decision and now the wheel is put into motion, this is the first act.
This is a necessary step to empower your choice, especially if you later on at all feel discouraged, this will help you to remind you of your purpose and choice on a deeper level.
“What is willed shall be” R. Assagioli (founder of Psychosynthesis).
Affirmation fuels and energies your choice.
In this step:
Create your words of power
and / or
Create your gesture of power
and / or
Create your image of power
If you do all you can do them all in one row and take notes and draw after.
Start with gesture:
Remind yourself of your purpose and choice and
feel how would your body want to move or express this into a form, to affirm your decision.
This is to symbolically express what is to be achieved.
Remind yourself of your purpose and choice and
invite an image to support you as an affirmation
or invite an image, or vision, of what is wanted as if it were already accomplished
draw it and write what it means for you if needed
Words of power
Remind yourself of your purpose and choice and
invite words that help you with your choice. Create a short phrase.
Repeat inwardly and out loud.
Use this/these affirmation daily before we move into another second step in a few weeks. It helps that you have it written or drawn on a paper (and you have it visible for you).
You can remind yourself of the affirmation later on too, when moving on to other steps, especially if you feel disempowered.
You will be more ready for the planning step (next one to come) when you have created and used your affirmation.
In group workshops or one one one sessions we would / could look deeper into the theory of affirmation, into psychological laws which means how for example our thoughts, images, emotions, gestures.. affect. We could be checking in what is happening in psychological functions, motives, sub-personalities, LOAFing; (Limiting Ideas, Old and Out-dated Beliefs, Assumptions, Fears) as moving from choice to affirmation, we could also look at will alignment.
Unconscious to Conscious
In Psychosynthesis (PS) we see that there is conscious material, things we are aware of + there is all the unconscious (UC) that is not in our immediate reach, could be close by or further away. In PS they are divided into middle UC (close by), lower UC and higher UC.
Lower can also be described as our basement or even past and higher to our attic with qualities and potential.
What I find interesting in the light of expanding awareness, whether it is through yoga, meditation traditions, psychosynthesis or other conscious means, when we expand the awareness that the space of our consciousness expands we normally expand into both directions if we touch the higher or lower UC.
PS suggests that the lower UC is formed because we do not want to keep some things in our consciousness. They could be uncomfortable feelings, experiences that we do not like to be reminded of or just simply do not want to feel them. When this happens we also create higher UC which means that we also separate positive aspects such as love, joy, creativity, trust, connection to Divine… that were threatened by our wounding that we store in the lower UC and this is how the higher UC also gets to be formed.
So what it means is that any time we work with the higher UC or lower UC we also might reveal what is on the other end. We expand the conscious space. And the space enlarges if we welcome all that in. Not that we necessarily need to go all the way to all stories of the UC but atleast have space for the emotions that may show up. Recognise, feel and hopefully eventually accept the feelings. This can lead to integration which means that the expansion brings life more available, we have a grater reality than before, we have more choices and see other possible ways of being, we might be able to hold more easily a variety of experiences with their glory and shadows. Life in this sense can become richer and experiencing vitality and aliveness becomes easier.
And for those who are in the Act of Will Journey (you can still start and find all the material here by scrolling down posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”), as we started the journey with calling in an experience that most likely is in the higher UC, it can be normal to become aware of material that may have helped to suppress it.
Sidenote: I love how my teacher Didi always emphasizes that there is no need to dig the basement if the material do not affect our daily life. Maybe good to know..
From psychosynthesis coaching perspective, especially from the self-development point of view, what is it then to "do" if the enlarging consiousness interests? You can start by asking: What is calling you, what would you like more in your life? Or if you are more of a person to say at the moment what is not working, then see what is it that you need (internal need).
You might like to dive in to this with the "Purpose" post which is the first step in the Act of Will Journey which in larger sence expands our consciousness.
Coaching/Mentoring Vs. Therapy in Psychosynthesis
I myself work as a coach/mentor and there are few things I'd like to write about it to differentiate this work to therapy and I’ll only look at it in the Psychosynthesis view.
In Psychosynthesis coaching/mentoring it is ideal that the “customer” already has a bit of sense of who they are underneath all the roles that take place in their everyday lives. That there is something deeper in themselves. A place where in coaching we can learn to observe all the events that take place in our lives if you are not yet familiar with it. Coaching/mentoring clients have willingness to take responsibility for their life and are maybe interested to expand their awareness and live more in connection with what is meaningful for them. They might also like to work with some of their obstacles in their daily lives.
The therapy side of Psychosynthesis may sometimes be in a space where the therapist takes a bigger role for carrying the “customer”. Person in the therapy might need a container for their story as it might feel too big for them to hold. Person might have lost connection to their true Self and therapy may seek to restore this connection. Therapist may also diagnose psychological disturbances. Coach/mentor is interested in the potential and do not diagnose. Coach/mentor is also a holding space for the customer for the session to evolve but the the customer has a space in themselves that they also know that they can look at things from, connection to s/Self.
For those seeking a coach/mentor or therapist, you can always ask if the form would fit for them and their needs.
I myself offer a free intake to see if the coaching/mentoring fits and also for the customer to see if they like the way I could be working with them. In this way the intake is a space for both parties to ask questions and get familiar with each other.
This is the third step (six in total) in the Act of Will journey. You can join in at any time. I will offer one tool per all the stages.
If you decide to join, you need to start from step 1 (Purpose) and give it time to land before the step 2 (Deliberation). It would also be helpful to read the “Act of Will Process”. You can find all the material related to this journey by scrolling down some posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”. So start with the post “Act of Will Process”, then "Purpose", "Deliberation" and "Choice". Additions are; "What is Will" and "Purpose Calling".
Carl Jung has said that we can find God through the non dominant function. So if you discovered on the previous step, what was your most non-dominant or sleepy or non active psychological function, then it might be interesting to look at what it revealed in your deliberation.
It is time to center which ever way works for you. For some of you it might be a moment of stillness for some it could be through conscious movement..
and remind yourself of the purpose that you created on step one.
Go through the list of options that you created on the previous step.
Which ones really calls you?
Come into two or three options.
It might be that some of the options from your list still forms a new option or combined one. That’s ok. Write it down. And consider if any new option is in your top 2 or 3.
The options that you choose should be possible to reach (options are realistic) within a certain timeframe (timeframe that you yourself will set to yourself later). And if you have so called unrealistic options too on your list, those are also valid, as they might be revealing your inspirations, interests, values, needs..
Then take one of the options and go through all the psychological functions. What do they inform you about this option. Are they all aligned with your option?
Thinking - What kind of thoughts does this option rase in you?
Desire / Impulse - Do you like/desire this option?
Sensations - What does your body sense/inform you when you think or imagine this option?
Feelings - What kind feelings does this option raise in you?
Imagination - What kind of image you get from this option? Do you like it?
Intuition - What does your intuition inform you about this option?
You might consider if the option is anymore an option, if many function do not support your choice..
Look at the other option(s) this way too.
By now, you might already be closer to choosing..
At this point you are still deliberating. With your psychological functions, with your deeper knowing.
Also, be aware that whatever you choose, you choose and it also means that the other option(s) are not chosen (at least for now). This also can rase thoughts, feelings, sensations about it..
Whenever you are ready with 2 or 3 options, I have recorded a guided meditation for choosing and step into the chosen path. Sent me a mail at with topic Choice or Choice meditation and I’ll direct you to the meditation. Even if your choice is already clear, the meditation may deepen your choice, give an embodied reminder for later of your choice if you would start to be in doubt and also aid to let go of the other options.
after.. make sure that the choice is in allignement with your purpose or you might slightly change your purpose if that resonates with you on a deeper level than the original one.
Write your choice down: “I choose to … “ ๐ฑ
On a group workshops or one one one sessions we would / could look deeper into choosing process, how you choose, what is connected to choosing and why you might not choose. Go deeper into psychological functions, motivations, sub-personalities, LOAFing; (Limiting Ideas, Old and Out-dated Beliefs, Assumptions, Fears), Aspects of the Will and connection to s/Self.
This is the second step in the Act of Will journey. You can join in at any time. I’ll will offer one tool per all the stages.
If you decide to join, you need to start from step 1 (Purpose) and give it time to land before this step. It would also be helpful to read the “Act of Will Process”. You can find all the material related to this journey by scrolling down some posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.
This is the practice for the stage deliberation:
Use all your psychological functions to deliberate what this word/sentence of yours could physically look like (a form). And come up with many options. Go big, there is no place for now to evaluate what is possible or not. Take notes on one or more options/forms within all of the psychological functions.
Psychological functions
Thinking - What can you think that your word / sentence could physically look like (a form).
Desire / Impulse - What do you desire to do? Is your impulse different?
Sensations - What would your body like to do?
Feelings - What does your feelings tell you to do?
Imagination - What can you imagine that you could do (anything!)
Intuition - What does your intuition inform you
Take the next week/weeks time for this.
Deliberation is important to cultivate conscious reflection before action rather than reactively starting to do something.
The next step: CHOICE will be posted in a few weeks.
Enjoy and come up with many different options ๐ซ
Key here is that you come up with physical forms of how this word / sentence of yours could look like. Without analysing, evaluation. You might also pay attention to some of the sub-personalities that might have their say in your deliberation. What I mean by it is that all of us have these parts in us and if you for example have a strong lets say judgemental part who is interfering with your deliberation (not being your ally) it could become an enemy in your journey. In these cases sub-personality work might be needed.
Starting with recognising that you have this kind of part in yourself (which has most likely worked well in past to keep you safe and/or to be seen and might still be working or over working) and coming into acceptance (with a help of a coach or therapist) of this part that further integration can start to happen.
On a group workshops or one one one sessions we would / could look deeper into psychological functions as some of them might be overpowering, some sleepy or inactive. The most dominant function is usually the one that has worked well in our family of origin (to be seen). However in Psychosynthesis we see that our Awareness & Will acts through all of these functions and can actually deliver more options/choices. So developing and harmonising these functions can make us freer in that sense.
We would also look into subs (sub-personalities), L.O.A.F.ings (limiting ideas, outdated beliefs, assumptions, fears) and into our family-, culture-, religion of origin. All of these may affect our deliberation and our choosing (the next stage in the Act of Will). And as we bring some of these into light; we have more choices visible / greater range of choice. We would also look at the different qualities of the Will. Could use different exercises such as how to carry prepersonal (past that affects now) in our daily lives, guided meditations, how to connect to inspiration and different tools how to deliberate..
Simple dis-identification / Self identification practice
Simple dis-identification / Self identification practice:
I have a ` ´ and “I am more than my ` ´.
For example
I have a body and I am more than my body
I have emotions and I am more than my emotions
I have thoughts and I am more than my thoughts
I have roles and I am more than my roles
I am aware that I can observe
I can observe the bodily sensations
They come and go
I can observe my feelings
They also come and go
I can observe the thinking
That also changes
I can observe that I have different roles
… and I am more than any of that
I am aware
Rest there
We have to learn to live as Souls on Earth
Freud said, “I am interested only in the basement of the human being.” Psychosynthesis is interested in the whole building. — Roberto Assagioli, the founder of Psychosynthesis. All living has the drive to evolve and Psychosynthesis can be a conscious way to move forward with it.
Every person is an individual, and the psychosynthesis of each person follows a unique path. At the same time, the overall process of psychosynthesis can be divided into two stages: personal and transpersonal. In personal Psychosynthesis, the integration of the personality takes place around the personal self, and the individual attains a high level of functioning in terms of work, relationships, and general living that is meaningful and satisfactory to the individual.
In the transpersonal stage the person learns to achieve alignment with and to transmit the energies of the transpersonal Self, manifesting such qualities as responsibility, the spirit of cooperation, global perspective, love and purpose, and having access to inner guidance and wisdom.
Often the two stages overlap: there can be a considerable amount of transpersonal activity long before the stage of personal integration is complete.
As this process goes on, we gain the freedom of choice, the power of decision over our actions, and the ability to regulate and direct many of the personality functions. This entails developing the personal will—the will of the personal self. Through this development we free ourselves from helpless or preprogrammed reaction to inner impulses and external situations and expectations. We become truly “centered” and gradually become able to follow our own path, guided by our inner knowing, or true Self.
As we reach toward the transpersonal Self, we can liberate and encourage the synthesizing energies that organize and integrate the personality. We can make ever increasing contact with the Will of our transpersonal Self, which provides clearer and clearer meaning and purpose in our personal lives and our social tasks. We become able to function in the world more serenely and effectively, in a spirit of cooperation and good will.”
Purpose - Stage one on the Act of Will Process
Join me on Act of Will Journey (Psychosynthesis coaching) with 6 stages.
If you like to read more about this journey. You can go and read the post “Act of Will Process”.
You can scroll down some post to find it or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.
Purpose, this is the step one. This is the seed we will plant to take us through all the stages.
In this step we will select an internal experience or a quality we would like to invite more into our life.
๐ฑ This is the practice for the stage of Purpose:
Imagine yourself waking into a completely full day of freedom to do whatever you like.
You might wake up in your bed or somewhere else.
What is it that you would like to do this day, to experience?
Take you time to imagine.
Note; for all it is not easy to visualise and imagine, but then you might like to think, feel or write down what you would like to do on your day off.
Fully immerse in this opportunity to do whatever.
Take your time
And when you are ready, see what is the internal experience or a quality you are after. Pick one to make this 6 stage process easier for you to actually take it through. Write the word or a sentence down for yourself + other insights / reflections if you wish. ๐ฑ
If you need help with what could be a quality, you can see the post “Purpose Calling”. You can scroll down some post to find it or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.
For the coming days and weeks before the next step; be aware of this word or a sentence. You might like to place it somewhere visible that you at least once a day are reminded by it.
The next step: deliberation will be posted in a few weeks.
Enjoy ๐ฑ
Key here is that this experience/quality starts to come into daily living (not just on your free days). But this will follow in the coming steps. Now it is time to plant it and water it by seeing it / remembering it.
As an example: If your free day activity was to skydive, the internal experience / quality could be about freedom or energy or courage..
And if you have any questions, please let me know.
On a group workshops or one one one session we could look deeper into drives, inspiration, motives, values, how you know you are connected to a purpose, personal notebook reflections, blockages, conscious motivations and will vs. wants and needs by personality traits, dis-identification / self identification to come into responsiveness rather than reactiveness.
if you find many qualities that resonate and have difficulty to choose,
maybe you could consider if under one quality some other ones fits under
or you choose a sentence (internal experience) which could represent
these qualities for you. For example: “Deep connection to inner Self”
that could represent for example peace, calm, presence, energy.. for
you. In the next steps the purpose sentence may sift into one or fewer
words, so in this journey it may envolve. And for the process I highly
recommend for you to write the sentence or word/words down for you to
see it daily, so you are reminded of it. This also helps the next step.
About me
my name is Kristiina.
I was born in Finland and currently living in the Netherlands together with my husband and a baby girl, Dino dog + 6 chickens. We are located in the province of Zeeland, on the islands in the southeast. We also spent some periods in a year in Vaasa, Finland too.
I’ve been on a quest of “self study” for over 20 years. Beginning with yoga, meditation, body works and Psychosynthesis which all also came my work.
My work focus currently goes into Psychosynthesis where I have dived in for over a decade.
For me Psychosynthesis created awareness of what is really needed for embracing wholeness and what it is to be really living a fulfilled life of meaning. It has shown me ways to really come home and to live more and more from deep within. Some ways yoga and meditation also did, but psychosynthesis integrated it.
Beside the passion for the work I’m offering, I love spending time with family, love nature, being connected, simple living and pretty much anything that touches my soul (music, beauty, a smile..). Qualities that are meaningful for me at the moment are love, union, beauty.
* Psychosynthesis Life Coach (PLC) one on one
* Psychosynthesis facilitator for groups
* Facilitator for coaches at
* Trager® therapist (somatic body mind integration)
* Yoga teacher (RYT)
* Master in Business (major in Marketing management and minor in Education)
Languages: English and Finnish
Coaching / Facilitating fields of interest:
* Consciousness/mindfulness as a home base for self discovery
* Purpose and meaning coaching
* Conscious relationship dynamics (couples) – coaching and group work together with my
husband, Vincent / our page is
and Instagram page @livingconsciouslife
* Somatic approach (Trager®)
A favourite quotation at the moment:
“The stunning paradox of human spiritual maturity is that, as we become one with Life, we also at the same time become completely and uniquely ourselves.”
-Thomas Yeomans, Ph.D.
More about Psychosynthesis you can find on my Instagram page or website.
ATM free Psychosynthesis 6 stage journey is starting.
More about it in The Act of Will Process. You can scroll down one post to find it or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.
Wishing you love and connection,
What is Will?
In psychosynthesis will is described to be strong, skilful, good, loving, joyful, transpersonal, universal.. What does that actually mean?
It means that we have a driving force within us that is connected to a deep self/Self that is free to choose. It is a will that is aligned and works with awareness. It is a will that has many of these qualities (strong, skilful, good, loving, joyful, transpersonal).. if not all in action.. It is not only for example strong, if it is only one, it might be a part of you in action, a sub personality who likes to take a certain action. It most likely is connected to a want and not to a deeper need or meaning. This kind of will could run you down, others too.
Aligned will is pure, could have a quality of honesty too, inherently it is also good for the whole (not just you as a separate one).
True meaning and purpose helps to connect to the Will.
Join me for an Act of Will Process here or in Instagram. You can read the post “ the Act of Will Process” to know what will be ahead. You can scroll down one post to find it or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.
About Psychosynthesis and Coaching individuals and groups
Psychosynthesis integrates and works with personality and transpersonality (call it spirituality, I myself like to use the word soul).
Psychosynthesis belongs to the third and fourth force in psychology (humanistic and transpersonal psychology) that looks not only past and now but the direction which is uniquely fulfilling for the individual. This is in connection to something deeper, like what people might experience also through yoga or meditation or other conscious methods/lifestyles or by simply living. It's about growth and expansion, integration, awareness, meanings, potential, discovery, taking responsibility for own self and at the same time that is beneficial in so many ways to the surroundings that we live in.
Psychosynthesis coach works as a guide to help the individual to get in touch with their true voice that speaks the individual's meanings, callings, directions to take, with what needs to be looked at to function more fully, own values, purpose. True voice that is free of conditionings (family, culture, religion), free from limited and outdated beliefs.. looking fresh with potential and within reality. Coach can be a guide for meaning, for fuller life, helping to shine light on challenges and blocks, guiding for integrated functional presence and guides for next steps to take, guiding for presence and expanded consciousness and helping to ignite the good kind of fire for any actions to take.
Tools used in a session vary according to client or group, however they are in a roam of psychological functions; thinking, connecting to sensing, connecting to feelings, imaginations, desires and impulses + intuition. Example tools in a group can be within guided meditations, guided imaginary, working with one client same but also and maybe even mainly (depending on client) round talking and asking meaningful questions to bring insights.
If you would like to join for a free psychosynthesis journey here or in Instagram, you are right on time (May-July 2024), scroll down to the next post. You can also join later. You can find the posts here under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.
Act of Will Process
Join me for an Act of Will Process here in my page or in Instagram
Act of Will is one Psychosynthesis process (coaching) that contains 6 stages:
Direction of the Execution/Manifestation
What I will offer here and in in instagram is one tool for each stage.
On one on one sessions we go much deeper with different tools and into your process that is uniquely yours. Workshops for groups will be offered later.
Tools vary from reflection talks, guided imaginary, guided practices, home journaling practices..
If you are interested in one on one sessions or group workshop sessions, please let me know.
This process can be a good way to get a bit in touch with psychosynthesis, although it will most likely only scratch the surface.
These six stages will be offered in about every 2 weeks (1 stage), so all six stages within May-July.
If you already got excited, you can start with the Purpose Calling post (scroll down to the next post), however another Purpose stage post will be posted next week (latest).
So, how this works? You will dive into a process which might bring you more in touch with yourself and a life that calls you (to live in “harmony” and with inspiration, one with life). In these steps you might learn obstacles and opportunities and you will create a plan that is connected to your purpose. This can be a very simple process or a deep one. Just one shift somewhere can be a major one in your whole life..
Wishing you an insightful journey with the steps of The Act of Will (by R. Assagioli, the founder of Psychosynthesis).
Psychosynthesis belongs to 3rd and 4th force in Psychology that integrates personality work and transpersonality (call it “spirituality”). So it involves the whole psyche, transpersonality and the presence, past and future.
More about Psychosynthesis you can find here under Tunnisteet / Labels: Psychosynthesis and Psykosynteesi
Purpose Calling
If you like to use a list of qualities, here is one.
Start with one quality. You might like to write it down for you and place it somewhere visible, as a reminder.
(@livinconsciouslife is me and my husbands page)
sinulle joka olet pรครคtynyt sivuilleni. Olen ollut pidemmรคllรค รคitysvapaalla mitรค luulinkaan ja vielรค ainakin jatkuu jonkun aikaa. Tรคssรค "sivussa" olen jatkanut psykosynteesi opintoja. Muutaman pรคivรคn pรครคstรค onkin loppunรคyttรถkoe psykosynteesi ryhmรค ohjaamisesta/opettamisesta. On ollut todella antoisaa. Tรคmรค siis on ollut jatkokoulutusta psykosynteesi valmennukseen.
Meillรค tรครคllรค Hollannissa ollaan jo pidenpรครคn saatu nauttia kevรครคstรค ja ihan kesรคisistรคkin pรคivistรค vรคlillรค.
Kesรคllรค tulemme Suomeen joksikin aikaa, ihanaa.
Instagramia olen pรคivitellyt jonkun verran, eli sieltรค "uusimmat" pรคivitykset nรคhtรคvillรค.
Tรคnne myรถs kyllรค pรคivitรคn, kun jotain tyรถhรถn liittyvรครค tuloillaan.
Toivottavasti siellรค kaikki hyvin.