
Welcome to Souls on Earth Workshop Webinar

Souls on Earth": Everyday life through the lens of psychosynthesis

‘We have to learn to live as Souls on Earth’
R. Assagioli

Souls on Earth: Everyday life through the lens of psychosynthesis
Sunday, September 22nd at 12:00 pm PDT / 9:00 pm CEST / Helsinki 22:00

Warmly welcome to join us on a two hour workshop webinar.

For us ‘living as Souls on Earth’ means being connected to self and to act from this place too.

In this two hour session we will look at everyday life and will introduce perspectives through psychosynthesis with the objective to live and act in connection with our inner self. For this, we will look at the challenges that may arise and tools for daily life.The essential parts of this session will be about exploration of will, alignment to purpose, choices and consciousness, and how the whole Act of Will process supports us.

Vincent and Kristiina met on a yoga & psychosynthesis retreat on a remote island in Finland 6 years ago. They share a love for Psychosynthesis and both are interested in conscious relationship dynamics, particularly how it mirrors and can support daily living, as well as how to raise a child in consciousness.

We warmly welcome you to join us and explore the inner and outer world that you / we live in.

Kristiina and Vincent

Read more about Kristiina and Vincent:



To register: soulsonearth.eventbrite.com


🦋🌺 Wishing you a beautiful summer days 💝




Last step of the psychosynthesis journey have been posted 💫
You can join at any time. It is an inner journey to invite something into your life and on the road you might discover potential, obstacles, how to devote into calling and choice and how to bring something through..  ✨✨

In the journey of connection to yourself and to live from that place.

More under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.

Coaching one on one 's and groups online.

Direction of the Execution / Manifestation

Last step in the Act of Will journey of Psychosynthesis. You can join in at any time. I have offered one or more tools per all the stages.
If you decide to join, you need to start from step 1 (Purpose) and give it time to land before step 2 (Deliberation) and so forth. It would also be helpful to read the “Act of Will Process” from my profile.
You can find all the material related to this journey by scrolling down posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.

In this final stage there are two parts;
to direct the execution
to put into operation the necessary and appropriate means for reaching the objective

In simple example: You are going on a journey with a car. You have done all that you have now done and you are ready to get the car ready.. fuel, maybe check up etc and you will sit in the driver's seat and start the journey. You will avoid the obstacles and remain your course steady and will make adjustments on a way if necessary but you will still have the clear vision of the destination to be reached.

How do you know you have reached your goal? Or parts of it if it is a bigger goal.
What have you manifested already? As you did your planning and have taken some steps.
Recognise your wins.

CELEBRATE the journey

Look back to the beginning of the journey
You had a purpose
You deliberated
And made a choice out of many options
You created an affirmation
And made a plan
And now you have taken steps towards the goal

Now you are directing and putting into motion all the necessary means for reaching your objective.

small or the goal attained
whichever way feels appropriate for you
small or big way, as it most likely wasn’t just learning how to reach your goal, maybe you learned what is important, valuable, how to center, some obstacles, how you choose, gifts of yours..
and remember;
you are the director, aware, responsible for your journey with will that is powerful, skilful, good, loving.. and PURPOSEFUL.

Wish you had an insightful journey.. in this continuous road. Whatever it brought to you.. Wishing you connection to yourself, presence and will to continue in your unique path 💝

In group workshops or one one one sessions we would / could look deeper into being in the center (aware and willful), conected to meaning/purpose and we would see how all the psychological functions play a role in the direction of the execution; in this continuous journey.



This is the fifth step in the Act of Will journey of Psychosynthesis. You can join in at any time. I will offer one tool per all the stages. If you decide to join, you need to start from step 1 (Purpose) and give it time to land before step 2 (Deliberation) and so forth. It would also be helpful to read the “Act of Will Process” from my profile. You can find all the material related to this journey by scrolling down posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”.

R. Assagioli (founder of Psychosynthesis) has emphasised that it is so important to formulate, clearly and precisely, the goal to be reached as he sees that there is a constant tendency in man to pay so excessively attention to the means, even to the point where he/she loses the sight of the goal itself; means are not the ends themselves. This is valid in so many ares, for example if you practice something, lets say yoga asanas (posture), meditation, dance.. and if you see the technique becomes the end, maybe it is good to bring into awareness the actual reason, preferably a quality why you do what you do.. and sure the technique is important in some of the places too, but it is not the deeper purpose itself.. more about the qualities you can read under the “Purpose Calling” post.

The tool(s) for the planning stage:


Remember your purpose;
the quality /qualities it represents or experience the you wished for
The choice you made
Recall the affirmation that you have planted


Take time to vision the goal that you wish to reach
the outcome of the
the experience that you wish in your life

Really see how it could be if it comes fully into your life


Draw or write it on a paper

moving to planning
How is your plan going to look like
Create your plan any way that works for you
And make sure to list the actions you are going to take towards the goal/the manifestation
What are you going to do
next week / weekly
next month

and ask yourself

What is the next step(s) that I’m joyfully and lovingly willing to take within a few days?


“Have a bias toward action - let's see something happen now. You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away.”
- Indira Gandhi


In group workshops or one one one sessions we would / could look deeper into different ways to plan, into resources, challenges, needs and timeframes + guidelines for goal settings and the importance of the purpose qualities in the planning.. that it is about embracing the journey.. all the steps..


Hey 👋

Hey 👋 How are you guys doing?

Here we are earthing, if that is a word. Love to be outdoors. In nature. Our daughter is growing so much in days.. What a beautiful being to witness 💓
I've been much tuned with natural processes.. and honestly did not think that I would have been a full time mom for this long however there has been a bit more space for work and it has much meaning to me. To share and guide ✨🙏💝
Wish to be more in touch with you in the coming fall.

We @livingconsciouslife are also teaching other psychosynthesis coach trainees next fall but I'm also drawn to have an open online group for "meeting self". Bit strange name for now but if you are ready and interested in a steady group that meets weekly or monthly for a short period of time (to see if you like it). In any case it will be in line with different tools from meditation traditions, psychosynthesis, yoga and somatic approach. Depending on the group.

Over a year ago we @livingconsciouslife were invited to facilitator training from psychosynthesis (it’s psychology and spiritual traditions combined for integration that works around personality and realisation of true Self) and that finished a few months ago.
What psychosynthesis also very nicely points out is how the inherited value is in the deeper qualities and not in a form itself. Forms will alter if you allow and if they don’t serve anymore.

There is so much to share and I have always loved how for example Krishnamacharya taught. I’ve been practicing with his student Pattabhi Jois, who was teaching ashtanga yoga.. anyhow Krishnamacharya taught many students and these student further (Iyengar, Desikachar..) and they were different forms, Krishnamacharya taught individually, what was the need of the person, the form changed according to the student.

There is a Buddhist saying of this too.. about using a draft in the water but you don’t drag the draft into the woods with you.. well, maybe you could but that’s quite some work i would think.

I wish you are doing well and if you would like to start / restart a journey with me and a group then you can let me know. You can also let me know how you are in your life, that would be nice 🙂

Summery wishes