

This is the forth step in the Act of Will journey. You can join in at any time. I will offer one tool per all the stages.
If you decide to join, you need to start from step 1 (Purpose) and give it time to land before the step 2 (Deliberation) and so forth. It would also be helpful to read the “Act of Will Process”.
You can find all the material related to this journey by scrolling down posts or you can find the posts under Tunnisteet / Labels: “Act of Will Process”. So start with the post “Act of Will Process”, then "Purpose", have a week or 2 pause and move to "Deliberation", have a pause and move to "Choice", pause and then moving to "Affirmation". Additional material; "What is Will" and "Purpose Calling".

Affirmation anchors choosing coming into manifestation. You have made your decision and now the wheel is put into motion, this is the first act.
This is a necessary step to empower your choice, especially if you later on at all feel discouraged, this will help you to remind you of your purpose and choice on a deeper level.

“What is willed shall be” R. Assagioli (founder of Psychosynthesis).
Affirmation fuels and energies your choice.

In this step:

Create your words of power
and / or
Create your gesture of power
and / or
Create your image of power

If you do all you can do them all in one row and take notes and draw after.

Start with gesture:
Remind yourself of your purpose and choice and
feel how would your body want to move or express this into a form, to affirm your decision.
This is to symbolically express what is to be achieved.

Remind yourself of your purpose and choice and
invite an image to support you as an affirmation
or invite an image, or vision, of what is wanted as if it were already accomplished
draw it and write what it means for you if needed

Words of power
Remind yourself of your purpose and choice and
invite words that help you with your choice. Create a short phrase.
Repeat inwardly and out loud.

Use this/these affirmation daily before we move into another second step in a few weeks. It helps that you have it written or drawn on a paper (and you have it visible for you).

You can remind yourself of the affirmation later on too, when moving on to other steps, especially if you feel disempowered.
You will be more ready for the planning step (next one to come) when you have created and used your affirmation.


In group workshops or one one one sessions we would / could look deeper into the theory of affirmation, into psychological laws which means how for example our thoughts, images, emotions, gestures.. affect. We could be checking in what is happening in psychological functions, motives, sub-personalities, LOAFing; (Limiting Ideas, Old and Out-dated Beliefs, Assumptions, Fears) as moving from choice to affirmation, we could also look at will alignment.

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